The MS Store horror show might have tarnished the western launching of the game

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The MS Store horror show might have tarnished the western launching of the game

In carrying my $ so far, hope Sega doesn't get overly comfortable. Most of this bought multiples of the packages trigger those are pso2 sales actually bargains. Now that it is over, I am just going to mostly cover premium (after my backlog of these runs out).

Great. The MS Store horror show might have tarnished the western launching of the game like they're beyond that, but it looks and it is doing really well . Here's hoping the success proceeds past the holiday period.

I absolutely support these monetization efforts by Sega and expect it means we'll find more PSO related names in the west, and even more Sonic things again as long as Sega continues to get gain.

As someone who usually does not whale out on a match like this, I have played entirely F2P, and played it as a"only buy inventory space and nothing else"

Now I am nearer to subway status myself as I dumped on AC Scratch like 20 and that I maintain in top for superior storage and the additional 20 client order slots. Closer, but still less than the price of a game for most of what I have spent on PSO2 vs the total amount of time I spend playing it.

I have probably spent like 90-150 bucks up to now on PSO2 because I bought the sonic variant, then 30 bucks worth of inventory/stash distance, and then dropped like 20 on an ac scrape and topped up a few arks coins to continue hand for hammering premium every 3 weeks.

Less than if I'd purchased a brand new game every month that I've been playing PSO2 NA (since PC launching ) but still greater than I'd have spent on a standard brand new title.

Closer to whale compared to cheap Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta free, but I am not whaling heh. I played entirely free in jp for a great deal of years, then figured out how I could charge AC via PSO2es the phone game, therefore got sufficient for stock space and superior on that. Definitely did not whale there .
