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The C'Thun players struggle currently in classic wow gold isn't the tentacled monster of legend that he once was. The C'Thun we struggle has had his fangs filed down, a nerf that dates back into 2006 when guilds taking about the OG C'Thun believed him unkillable. However, was he, indeed? Based on the skills WoW Classic players have accrued over the past 15 years, I believe we could shoot this giant eyeball how he was once intended to be fought. I believe we could destroy pre-nerf C'Thun, and Blizzard should put him into WoW Classic to give us that opportunity.

The narrative of C'Thun is a story of frustration. Players threw themselves against the boss for months to no avail. He required a great deal of damage to shoot down before he enraged and promptly murdered everyone, and the fight demanded pinpoint positioning from all the raiders. The fight famously had a bug too, which caused ra nged tentacles to spawn behind walls or directly under gamers, almost guaranteeing full bash wipes. After 80 days without a single clear Blizzard eventually nerfed C'Thun into the ground, and he was easily defeated the same day.

It isn't merely that the raid as a whole is easier for today's seasoned WoW players. Resilient is confident they could take on the"unbeatable" C'Thun, also.

"As for pre-nerf C'Thun, there's absolutely no doubt in anybody's mind that contrary to the meme which came from 2006 IRC logs, pre-nerf C'Thun is absolutely not mathematically impossible. Players are doing triple or even quadruple the numbers of people's DPS back so even a pre-nerf C'Thun would readily collapse. It is an issue of buy wow classic gold the playerbase being significantly more skilled, and knowledgeable.
