The Benefits of Spiritual Awakening

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Your earthly home will one day move on to another stage of her growth. Her being or soul travels through different levels and she is transformed at each level.

Imagine you could see one another through the eyes of a The New Happiness Code Review sunny day, so no darkness appears. This is how we see the world. You wonder what it is to be enlightened. This is what it is. To see with eyes of pure sunlight. Then neither darkness nor differences of any kind are seen.You clearly see with the trueness of light.No shadows, no differences, no distinctions, no hatred, no reason to hate. Blissful unity is clearly visible and you are one.

The universe was created out of different types of awareness. They exist on different plains and it is in this way the universe is constructed. Your perspective is one of any being on any plain of reality. Yet you are asked to rise above your natural birth and to aspire to attain a multilevel new birth. This new birth will allow you to have this new vision.

How many of you does it take to bring the whole up to a higher level. 4 million of you must see clearly to raise the whole.Now go for your work is to become whole. Reach out in love, not war, hatred or avarice. Your souls must reach higher for higher is your destination.You will not rise all at one time but as a whole you will rise in time. When enough of you are above then your wholeness will prevail.
