Having A Spiritual Direction In Life - Part 1

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When steam runs out of a shower, for example, the temperature equalizes in the room. In weather systems, an area of high pressure will flow into an area of lower pressure. The planet rotates, causing night to follow the day, and so on.

Life is more than getting and spending - but all of us have to The New Happiness Code Review have a minimum level of income so that we can thrive, not merely survive. Volunteering is helpful here too. Studies show that a good number of employees believe their demonstrated altruism helped them to get their job, and most employers are more likely to hire people with significant volunteer experience.

Especially as we age, we need to do those things on a voluntary basis that we don't do in our usual work. Keeping our brains and bodies active by doing a wide variety of things may help to ward off Alzheimer's. So if you've always worked in an office, try volunteering for Habitat for Humanity; if you've spent a lot of time in the bush, do some inside work with the Pregnancy Care Centre. 

I grew up in a denomination where the constant question was, "Where will you spend eternity?" I didn't worry about it then because as far as I knew, my sect was the only true church. And while my understanding of what "the Church" means and my respect for other Faiths has broadened considerably - I still don't worry about where I will spend eternity. I trust in the wisdom of God and his mercy for lefties like me.All things in the universe are, and remain, in balance -- that is the natural impetus of all things. 


