I believe based on your comment that we are going to essentially disagree

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I believe based on your comment that we are going to essentially disagree

Why not support them in doing both? Words are activities, in many cases. Putting out a statement of belief like this is not simple. I'd hope they are also doing stuff things to create the lives of their black workers better but that doesn't mean I need to treat this as meaningless. Placing out a public announcement is actually a great step forward for initiatives such as that, since if EA isn't doing enough then it's really simple for people tirelessly to say"Look, our activities are materially different from our stated values and Mut 21 coins we should do something about that." At the end of the day if you refuse to acknowledge when a business creates a small step you appreciate then how will they ever learn how to generate a big step you appreciate? You're treating this just like a political discussion where making this small concession implies you won't have the bargaining power to earn a larger one in the future. Is the lesson you want them to understand from all that human decency is not worth attractive to because it doesn't actually affect buying decisions?

I believe based on your comment that we are going to essentially disagree on idealism vs. realism, and that's fine. I find myself usually in the center of realism and idealism since I understand the way the world works but I want a better universe; you do not have to pick one or another. I really don't know why we have to provide corporations a pass just because they aren't people (that Citizens United would disagree with but that is another discussion.) We should not only accept the best we're given by a business, we ought to anticipate the best we want from them. Companies are made of humans calling the shots and there are an infinite amount of examples of organizations that both make massive profits and stand up for great causes. Patagonia is a great example. They don't need to make sustainable goods and supply repair and reuse programs to go against quickly fashion, but they do and they make a ton of money anyways.

This case doesn't include the numerous grey topics where opinions have a location; this is literally a discussion of whether you want black people to have rights or not. It is not courageous of a business to state that black men and women deserve rights simply because they'll lose white supremacist clients. It actually is quite simple for a company to set out a statement of belief like this, as we have seen from all the companies doing so right now like Amazon and the NFL. I genuinely don't know how it's difficult to get a multi-million dollar business to give up a tiny fraction of the gains for the greater good. If people who do not like Black Lives Issue make up a majority of a Organization's customerbase, then perhaps they shouldn't have those profits (not asserting EA's playerbase in against BLM, this really is a hyperbolized illustration )

Why not support them in performing both? Because we haven't seen them doing . Back your words up. Sony managed things better than EA by not only having a statement, but heading after All Lives Matter supporters in remarks, fitting donations by a few workers, claiming they'll have more in the upcoming week, and supposedly forming a studio at San Diego led by POC developers. Does EA have something in the works and they wanted to get the statement out first? They could've either held the announcement until they had something to reveal , or told us what they're planning. At the end of the day if you refuse to admit when a company creates a small step you appreciate then how will they ever learn to cheap Madden nfl 21 coins generate a large step you love?
